E-Commerce Management

Sample jobs - See what your new Job looks like in Detail

We evaluate leaders through management appraisals and accompany onboardings and transformations in companies. We have a large network and sound knowledge in the field of change management and transformational leadership and are therefore able to find the right candidate to lead your e-commerce division.

Here we show you what typical positions in e-commerce management can look like:

Head of E-Commerce

The Head of E-Commerce is responsible for the company’s online sales and leads the e-commerce division. He and his team ensure the functionality of the online shops, are responsible for the relationship with Amazon and other Pure-Playe companies and develop and implement an overall growth strategy for the organisation’s online business to increase sales.

Global Director E-Commerce

The Global Director of E-Commerce is responsible for all of the company’s online sales worldwide. He develops a growth strategy and guidelines for all of the organization’s market representatives. He is also responsible for setting goals and monitoring performance metrics in online sales.
